Custom Items with simple GUI ! ExecutableItems [1.12-1.16]

Custom Items with simple GUI ! ExecutableItems [1.12-1.16] 3.1.2

Add multiple commands in random run with +++

- nothing*2 // NOTHING
- give %player% diamond 1 +++ give %player% emerald 1 // You have received 1 diamond + 1 emerald

New you can multiply the velocity of custom projectiles !
example: velocity: 2.5

Little addition to reduce the lag of an event for server with a lot of players (test)

Fix the custom command REPLACEBLOCK {material}

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !

New placeholders:

%block_x% > The position X of the target block
%block_y% > The position Y of the target block
%block_z% > The position Z of the target block

New all position placeholders can be incremented or decreased

List of position placeholders:
> %x% %block_x% %projectile_x%
> %y% %block_y% %projectile_y%
> %z% %block_z% %projectile_z%

The player target a block that is at the location (x:90 , y:80, z: 69)
> %block_x%+5 will be replace by > 95
> %block_z%-20 will be replace by > 49

Fix an issue with block commands that doesn't appear correctly in the ingame GUI

Fix an issue with cmd permissions

New now you can define if the command FARMINCUBE break all culture or only the max age culture (more info in the wiki <bloc commands>

Fix an issue with the LOCALE HU & ES

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !

Fix a little issue for the selection of activator option, (PLAYER_ACTIVE_SNEAK was skipped)

Some improvements in the code to improve the code quality.

Good dev, if you have problem or suggestion join my discord !
